In the Spring 2012 issue reference was made to a recent LL.M. Graduate, Frank Caputo. What caught my eye was the topic of his thesis:
"Purchasing Condominium Units from Developers: A Critical Analysis of Purchaser Vulnerability in the Unregulated Market and British Columbia's Legislative Response"
I would think his thesis will be insightful in respect of possible future changes to the Condominium Property Act (Alberta). The title of his thesis is awfully revealing of some of the core issue which should be addressed by the Alberta Legislature; that is, the vulnerability of purchasers to developers. Unfortuneately, I have been unable to contact Mr. Caputo so cannot share with you any further insights in respect of his thesis. This is a link to his information on the UofA Law Faculty website:
If someone can obtain a copy of his thesis please share a copy with me; thanks.