This a Bridgeland Law blog about legal issues which, for the most part, impact condominium corporations in Alberta. The blog is written from the perspective of the condominium corporation and is intended to provide general information only to condominium corporations, their Boards of Directors, and their condominium property managers; specific legal advice should be obtained in respect of your particular situation.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Consequences of Allegations of Improper Conduct of a Board Member
A report in Canadian Lawyer Magazine,, advises that a dispute in a condominium in Ontario over a condo-fee increase grew into a "bitter feud" that resulted in the Board member "facing a number of criminal charges, including four counts of criminal harassment, intimidating a witness, and threatening death". The consequences on the Board member was that he was prevented from joining the legal profession which he had trained for. The Board member is now appealing the decision that "he wasn’t of good character" to a Law Society of Upper Canada panel. Board members should always be civil in their demeanor and in their communication.